River of Flowers

By doffy

Friday: Hellebores

A beautiful start to the day, I started cutting last year’s leaves on the hellebores so that I might see the flower buds pushing through, this one a particularly dark maroon.
Cut back a few dead stems of inula, figwort and fennel, leaving the cuttings on the garden for hibernating insects and for the birds to use as nesting material.
Rain arrived around lunchtime and became very heavy during afternoon.
Made lentil & veggie soup with kale from the garden, MrD was glad of it when he came home for lunch - on deliveries today.
Found “No 1 Ladies Detective Agency” on Roku channel, love this series :-))
Thinking of knitting another helix hat  https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2694674697852815181 bag of wool out ...
Weekend again, hope yours is relaxing x
Stay safe & healthy and happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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