Another Day - Another Cemetery

Initially today was a Royal Naval Association day for me, an early start so as to be at the fishmonger early. Fish and crab safely in the car and off to Richard & Jackie’s to drop theirs and have a quick socially distanced coffee in the garage out of the rain.

Home for a quick coffee and pick up Sam before heading off to Roy & Carol’s to collect a White Ensign and then on to Helston to see our Shipmate Pat who recently lost her husband Alan and needs the White Ensign for the funeral next Friday. It was good to see her and sit and chat for a while, to catch up, console and offer sympathy.

Next stop was St Mawnan Church at Mawnan Smith via the back roads through Gweek, Port Navas and some stunning scenery. This church was somewhere Sam wanted to visit, something to do with an ‘Owl Man’ but once we reached the lych gate I was intrigued.
Lych is an Anglo-Saxon word for corpse and lych gates at churches are where the pall bearers placed the deceased in the coffin whilst being met by the priest. This meeting at the churchyard entrance became enshrined in law.
The inscription above the gate translates to; “It is good for me to draw nigh unto God”.

I then noticed the small sign indicating that the cemetery contained Commonwealth War Graves, we found a couple as well as some unusual headstones.

I then startled myself by coming across the double grave of a husband and wife who were my friends. I attended both funerals in 2010 and 2013 both in a different church just three quarters of a mile down the road.
Took me by surprise I guess.

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