Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Early blip, because this just had to be my blip for today! :)
I sowed some seeds last Tuesday, and the little Geranium has started to grow! I'm rather amazed! I didn't think it would work as 6 seed had grown in the greenhouse and the growth percentage was at least 80 out of 8 seeds.
And, then the fact that it is February, which is cold and darker that the greenhouse. My heating has gone a bit bananas and now it's colder than before... Before it was too hot, so I'm thankful for that (and the landlord are trying to figure out what makes the heating system act out). But, I didn't think my little seed would like it, and it does. :) I have a growth light, so the seeds get extra light, and the pots are in a small plastic greenhouse. A great start to the day! :)

Yesterday I watched a speech done by George Lucas (the creator of Star Wars). He spoke about some choices he'd made in life regarding education and that he'd studied Anthropology, and really liked it, before he - by chance - took a test for another University and got in to making movies. Since I'm an Anthropologist (and, as I've said before, a huge Star Wars fan) I got very happy to have this subject in common with the man that's created my fav universe. Silly, maybe... 

So, number 7 of the 30 days of gratitude is: What memory are you grateful for?
I'd say memories which are connected to my dad. He passed away when I was just 16 (and I miss him still), 34 years ago. And, to end on a happier note, memories of our crazy black labrador named Snaps. He was just full of joy and love for food - as labradors are, and did funny things we remember him by to this day. :) So, memories in plural. I changed the question a bit.
Do you have any memory, or memories, that you are especially grateful for? 

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