Cows and Everest

There are no flat runs around where I live. There are some that are not too hilly and some that are rather more so. Many years ago, the chap who told me about the run I did this afternoon told me he always referred to it as "Everest".

The run he described is not so hilly between Kirkby Lonsdale and Kearstwick, although the stretch from there out to Nether Hall Farm could certainly be described as undulating. The 'Everest' component is the mile's climb between the farm and Old Town, the ascent of which I delayed by stopping to take a photo of this pair. 

Actually, the fact that all my running - around here, at least - involves hills stood me in good stead when I did the Loch Ness marathon; the handful of hills on the route were the only times when I think I overtook anyone!

Reading: 'A Treachery Of Spies' by Manda Scott

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