Loch Whinyeon

Today's the day ……………………. for complete silence

We found ourselves today in a remote spot that neither of us had ever been to before - Loch Whinyeon, a reservoir for Scottish Water, about five miles northeast of Gatehouse of Fleet.

The loch was completely frozen and I think I can say that it was the most silent, still place I have ever been.  There was not a breath of wind.  There were no people, birds or indeed any other living creatures.  There was no sound of rippling water.  There was no sound of anything at all.  It was very eerie - and a bit unsettling - but at the same time completely wondrous.

It could have been a scene straight out of Frozen 2.  If Elsa had appeared on her fantastic horse and thrown up a few ice walls, it would have been perfectly acceptable.  All of which made us think about grand-daughter Josie, who loves such things with a passion. 

This one is for her ………………………….!

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