Still life. Still waiting for better weather

This is the only photo I took all day. This was part of our monthly challenge  part 3 a Covid inspired Still life.

A grey windy cold day.. too cold for snow.
I dug out my oldest thickest down jacket from the attic.. I've not needed to wear it for a couple of years.. but it didnt smell too musty lol.
Wrapped up extremely warmly we did the local Bridgegate walk. Despite  the fact Fletch doesnt seem to notice the cold he had his coat on.  It stayed dry and wasnt too windy. Back home it got a bit wild and windy and there were snow flurries. I feel rather cheated that we havent had snow.. but we rarely do living by the sea. 
Our teatime walk was quiet.. few people about (I wonder why ? Lol ) a very white sky threatening snow but none came.
Knit several inches of the aran sleeve for M tonight. Discovered one mistake.. only one stitch..hmm do I leave it? 

Take care everyone. 

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