Septuagenarian sledger

Another “care package” came today in the form of #3 daughter with Ella and Nathaniel. We had great fun sledging in the field in front of the house. The snow was too dry for making a snowman but at least it meant we didn’t get too wet sledging. The hill is quite steep so we got up a bit of speed. The downside was trudging back up. This is Ella and me ready to race each other. It was such fun.

She was happy to pick up her birthday cake. Her other Granny is also making one this year with much more exciting decorations but Ella reassured me that she’d love mine too as chocolate is yummy.

Nathaniel helped Grandad shovel snow.

Mr C succumbed to a computer driveBy. His screen froze and a message came from “microsoft’ to ring a number to get it unlocked. I had no idea why he was on the phone so long so when he appeared and said what had happened I got on to Phil, a computer tech person we know, who agreed with me it was a scam. He talked us through the steps to sort it out. He says they basically do it to offer you a £300 security package and it appears no harm is done. But I’m concerned Mr C fell for it. I hope he’s not losing any more marbles.

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