Here we go again – Day 40

My most favourite thing to do in the snow is roll around on my back. As soon as I get let off my lead I run around in mad excitable mode until I find a good rolling spot and then I roll and roll and roll. First thing this morning we went to Bruntsfield Links. People in Edinburgh don't really tend to go out early on a Saturday morning so I had lots of space all to myself and I rolled and rolled and rolled. Yay!

A bit later on in the morning we walked to Ann's friend, Fiona's house, to meet her for a walk through Braidburn Valley Park. We were out for almost 2 hours. Our walks seems to take much longer in the snow. Anyway guess what we saw in the burn in Braidburn Valley Park?................... We saw an otter. We've never seen an otter before. I immediately attempted to go into the burn because I thought the otter might want to play with me. Unfortunately Ann said that I wasn't allowed to play with the otter and then Fiona distracted me by telling me lies while Ann tried to photograph the otter. The otter kept putting it's head under the water so her photos aren't very good.

I've been out for another walk this afternoon but I just trekked around the streets on my lead for half an hour so that wasn't the most exciting walk in the world. It was absolutely freezing. The temperature really drops after 3pm and even though Ann was wearing her new thermal trousers and coat that she'd ordered online a few days ago (and which arrived last night and fortunately fits her) she was still very cold.

Oh and does anybody else who owns a dog think that they do more sniffing in the snow? If I'm on my lead I'm constantly stopping to sniff things and then Ann says, 'Trixie, hurry up, I haven't got all day.' Well that's a pretty stupid thing to say to me in lock down isn't it??!! I know that she has got all day. It's not like she's got anything else to do is it?

Anyway I'm just having a little pre-dinner snooze and then we'll have to search Netflix for something to watch on TV tonight. Saturday nights are rubbish for TV and we don't do rugby.

…...........On a positive note, it's almost 5.30pm and we haven't closed our curtains yet. Summer is on the way!!!

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