Moving Along

Wife gave me a card today. She missed me last weekend :)

She then looked at the gun on the table and asked if it was loaded. Well duh course it was, otherwise it's a paperweight. She then questioned why I was pointing the camera at it, and whether that was my Blip for the day.......I quickly took a photo of the card.

Odd day, but got stuff done. Gardener came in today to start work clearing the huge garden the house is on. It's 1/3rd of an acre but the edges have encroached so far you'd think it was half that. So we're reclaiming the rest of the garden.

Well - the gardener is reclaiming it. He brought help today. Don't really like his side kick though. Proper white trash. So decided that today I'd have the gun on me and it didn't bother me when more white trash turned up in the yard later during the day. Rednecks are fine, it's white trash I'm careful about. But I don't often travel with the gun it has to be said.

We have a little 22 that fits in the pocket perfectly. It's a proper Saturday Night Special that most gun enthusiasts hate, but at 7 yards I can do fairly decent groupings with it.

Managed to get most of the bathroom ready for rebuilding, but decided on a new ceiling. The idea is that if this goes easily (can't see why it won't), then we'll do this more times in the future. Very simply, instead of taking the old ceiling down, you sinply put a new set of drywall (plasterboard) up against it. At $8 for 32sq ft, it's not even particularly expensive to do either.

So tomorrow I just need to work out where the electrics need to go, and put the new ceiling up. That would then just leave the new wall panels to go up.

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