Still Life Sunday

Gale force winds all day plus rain.  We decided it wasnt worth getting the car out especially as our  wooden gates are likely to swing in the wrong direction. Wrapped warmly but not a   very pleasant walk at times. The curse of living by the sea. 

Back home I decided to have a go at the monthly project  still life. This was to find an Old dutch master painting and copy it. See extra for the original . 
I didnt have a human skull to hand ( who does?) So I substituted it for a sheeps skull which I do have.
The photo  brought lots of nice comments and also produced a lot of hilarity from members at the thought I might easily have a sheeps skull to hand! Lol 
My only comments are..I live in Cumbria which  is noted for lots of sheep and I didnt think it was that odd to have one. ☺

Local Facebook pages were full of photos of the beach at the coast road where the sea had frozen. Quite spectacular  and very rare. Would have been interesting to see... and quite a number of people did go to see it.

The wind has finally died down. Maybe we ll get a better walk tomorrow. 
Stay safe everyone xx

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