
By ayearinthelife

Fade to Grey

Not for nothing is Kendal known as the “Auld Grey Town” - especially on a February day with rain on the way.
It was, however, considerably warmer than last week so I thought I’d take myself out for a decent walk - especially as Mrs C had dropped a couple of hints that she wanted a bit of time to herself to do things around the house.
Unfortunately, it seemed like the whole town had come up with the same idea. I’ve not seen the old canal trail that busy for a long time. I had to resort to the less scenic routes around the edge of the industrial estates to get a bit of solitude!
Bumped into a couple of the staff from the gym. We’re all hoping that Boris will let us back into gyms sooner rather than later and hope it won’t be like last year when the pubs opened up first - as we now know that was one of the factors in the upsurge of cases last September!
To be fair, the second half of the walk, I didn’t really see many other people so plenty of time just to dawdle and daydream. Sadly, all I could think of was my upcoming dentists appointments. Regular check up yesterday and I was praised for how well I was looking after my teeth. But not well enough it would seem - I need three fillings. I think one of them has been on the cards for a while now but has been avoided due to covid. Can’t avoid it any longer though and whilst it was originally not happening for a few weeks, I had a phone call “offering” me a cancellation tomorrow. The words “the dentist wants to to do the tricky one as soon as possible” are not what I wanted to hear and I sense a lot of discomfort ahead.
Which is why I might have to raid the archives for a blip tomorrow...

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