This Is it

“…this time I know it’s the real thing...” As Mrs C has just pointed out, I have made this proclamation about several guitars in the past, none of which made it beyond 3-6 months of ownership!
But this bass does seem to have everything I’m looking for. I had a really nice Music Man Classic StingRay bass a while back but it was long scale and I am far more comfortable with short scale basses. So I was delighted to see that this short scale version had been launched under the auspices of their Indonesian made “Sterling by Music Man” brand (and it was a lot cheaper than the American made Classic!)
There is one song in our set where I need to access the dusty end of the fretboard and the fact this guitar has 22 frets helps considerably. I also need to raise the volume occasionally and this bass is fitted with a handy boost switch on the volume knob.
All boxes ticked then, so far. It sounded good in the shop and on various YouTube videos so I just need to check it sounds as good through my amp. I’ve already fitted my preferred flatwound strings and will be putting the Straplocks on tonight. I’ll probably also give the back of the neck a rub with wire wool. It’s got a nice matte finish, but it’s a little rough in some places. Ten minutes with the wire wool should see it as smooth as silk.
I’ll be running through some of the set tomorrow so should be able to get a decent sound dialled in ahead of our next gig on Saturday.
And I’ve put a note in the diary to post an appropriate blip in six months time to prove I still own it…or not!

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