Man at work

B spent considerable time cleaning the patio today, ending up very wet and mucky. I felt a bit guilty just messing about so decided to finish off a document for the nurses league, that has been haunting me. I had done all the figures and calculations using the ‘back of a fag packet method’ and just had to type it up. I’ve been putting that off for a while!!! 

Amber stayed inside with me, very reluctantly, as she would have preferred to be out joining in the watery mess. 

Thanks to blip I know that a year ago today I was in London to meet up with A and the children. Travel was a bit chaotic and there were delays, but I commented at the end that it was a good day and provided plenty of practice in maintaining independence skills, which could be lost if I didn’t meet the challenges. Little did I know that the following year would curtail all independence skills!!! 

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