Homeward bound (Day 2098)

Another day spent down in Holm pipe wrangling. And a bit more progress has been made. I finished for the day in the middle of the afternoon having been told by the customer that the site had to be cleared by 3.30.
It is a huge project, which would benefit from a much clearer plan. Work is being held up while the various trades wait for decisions on various aspects of the refurb. Today I asked one of the owners for a decision on something and was told that I couldn't get an answer because they were "piggy in the middle" and not able to make any decisions without the go ahead from the other owner. I voiced my frustration at being asked to hurry things along, but being unable to do so when I await decisions, or await work being done by other trades who are awaiting decisions. I also pointed out use of the phrase "piggy in the middle" was ridiculous. It is their house, their project and they are in charge and must make decisions and ensure sanitary ware and so on is delivered in a timely manner. Changes to previous decisions are also causing problems. It was good to clear the air, and with the weekend ahead perhaps the husband and wife team will be able to come up with a firm plan rather than vague hand waving.
I was home briefly to empty the van before heading to town to collect pellets for the boiler and to do the weekly shop.
This evening I am dangerously unsupervised while my beautiful wife is away on an overnight at work.

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