Here we go again – Day 46

This morning when we woke up it was pouring with rain and our weather app was telling us that the rain was going to last all day. Grrrrrr................. We only went round the block and we both got absolutely soaked through to our skin. Grrrrr........

Anyway once we'd watched an episode of 'Coronation Street' and an episode of 'Marcella' 'cos all Ann does when she's not walking me is watch TV we looked out the window and the rain had stopped. Yay!

Ann said, 'Trixie, would you like to go to the beach to play with your ball?'

Obviously I wanted to play with my ball. Ann doesn't let me play with my ball when it's snowy/icy because she's worried I'll slip and hurt my legs. And much as I LOVE the snow, I've not played with my ball for a couple of weeks so I was very excited. I had to wait in the car while Ann popped into Asda first just so that she had an 'essential' reason for going out in the car?!!

Once on the beach I played for about an hour. I got ever so tired and had to keep flopping down in the sea for little rests. And can you see the Cockerpoo behind me in this Blip. He wanted to play with me and ran around after me for ages. He wasn't speedy enough to get the ball though so eventually he gave up and went back to his owners.

Came home, gobbled up all my breakfast (that I hadn't eaten earlier) in super quick time and then promptly sicked it all up!!!  Snoozed in my bed for a few hours and then went out for my afternoon walk and it still wasn't raining.

Obviously another day when our weather app has lied!!!...................... though it's absolutely chucking it down with rain again now and it's also very windy.

..................And in other news, Ann has just read an article on line where Cornwall's tourism boss, Malcolm Bell, says that he thinks there's only a 10% chance that hospitality will be open by Easter!!  Seriously?!  We were hoping to get down to our house in March to do 'essential work' ready for letting it in April. Totally understand the rules are what the rules are, BUT the longer this goes on the harder it is to stick to them. We haven't been to our own house since October and if we were there, we'd be doing exactly the same as we're doing here. Living by ourselves, walking and watching TV. Grrrrrrr.................. Can't wait to hear what Boris's route out of lock down is on Monday, though whatever it is; Nicola, no doubt will still be stopping people getting in/out of Scotland!

Oh and while Ann's having a RANT........................ Now that the 65-70 year olds have been vaccinated or at least have an appointment, it would appear that the next group of people are the 'vulnerable'. No where can Ann find a list of what the criteria actually is for a 'vulnerable person'. Does anyone in Scotland know?

#lifein2021 #thingscanonlygetbetter

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