
I can be accused of playing with my food but I did think they would make a blip.

I love mussels. It's true that shellfish should be eaten during the months with an R in them. These weren't all as plump and juicy as they should have been, but tasted good none the less. Their shells were interesting too. A memory of school. I might have a blip for tomorrow as well.

There were a significant amount of old flower pots, well past their sell by date, old fencing and general rubbish that had accumulated in and around the old polytunnel. The car was rather full when I headed for the landfill site and I'm sure the next trip won't be any lighter. There is still so much around that I've been storing for others so am issuing ultimatums. It has to go home or to the skip. I'm determined to reduce the contents of the sheds and my house by at least two thirds. I'm guilty of keeping a bent nail because I can hammer it straight and use it again.

Late again but it's Friday and I'm home tonight. Time to turn the telly on!

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