Here we go again – Day 48

What a beautiful day. Unbelievable to think that last Sunday the world was covered in snow.

Went for a walk along the canal this afternoon and honestly it was like the whole of Edinburgh was there. It was so, so busy. I have to stay on my lead on the canal path because cyclists are always whizzing past us really fast. Today there were far too many people around for them to go really fast. In fact some of them were getting very grumpy because there were big groups of people walking together which meant that they couldn't overtake anyone. So much for only meeting one person outdoors??!!! There were loads of rule breakers out and about today!!!

Came home via Bruntsfield Links and there were lots of people sitting around there too. And all the coffee shops had long queues. And as for traffic.................... the roads were really busy. Goodness only knows where everyone was going. And as usual, not policeman in sight. During first lock down the police seemed to pop up everywhere to move people on. The only reason we knew we were in lock down today was that the pubs weren't open. In normal times they would have been full of people sitting outside enjoying the sunshine.

Also, just a little RANT here....................... Ann's Google newsfeed has been full of stuff today about what these so called reporters seem to think Boris is going to say in his 'route out of lock down' speech tomorrow. Why don't they just wait until tomorrow when they'll be able to report a bit more accurately.

Ann has no interest in schools re-opening because that doesn't affect her. She also has no interest in 'non-essential shops' re-opening because as far as she's concerned there's been loads of 'non-essential' shops open during this lock down and even though it would be nice to have some new clothes, she's like an old tramp going around in dog walking clothes, all day every day if she can't try them on in the shop then she might as well just shop online.

Just for our own interest....................... things Ann has read today....................... whether any of this is true remains to be seen?!!!

Hairdressers aren't re-opening until the end of April.

People are going to be allowed to meet outdoors in groups of six. Well judging on what we saw on an hour and a half walk this afternoon, that's already happening.

Pubs are going to be allowed to re-open, but only to serve drinks out doors.  Hospitality could stay closed for another 3 months?

Self catering accommodation won't be re-opening until at least June. Hotels/B&Bs will probably be even later.

Some out door sports may re-commence. Well tennis courts and golf courses and out door gym equipment and children's play parks and rowing on the canal, never closed down during this lock down. And there's been rugby/football matches happening. …................So are we talking spectators watching sports here? Who knows???

Anyway, tomorrow is going to be all about waiting for Boris to make his 'route map out of lock down speech'. And then hopefully on Tuesday, Nicola will make hers. And then perhaps, (and we use that word very optimistically) Ann can plan what we are going to do for the rest of our life??!!  Or at least what we're going to do for the next few months!!!!


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