
By Grammy

All That Glitters

...isn’t necessarily a good thing. I brightened this photo a bit to better show the missing Weeping Willow branches in our neighbor’s poor tree. The ice storm severely damaged her tree, a Mother’s Day gift from many years ago. My hubby and another neighbor helped clean up the mess; the tree owner is a young widow and her children are not close by. I was thankful hubby helped even though he is a bit sore from his second shot and his old knees were bothering him. J is a very self sufficient lady but cutting out the large broken limbs and hauling them to the woods was just too much for her. A side view could have produced a better photo but this was a pajama/heating pad day for yours truly. My daughter brought over broccoli cheddar soup for tomorrow and gave me some strong pain relieving cream for that aching shoulder muscle. Hope it works. My daughter-in-law sent the best tasting chili I have had for lunch. My sister and I worked on our WV menus so we can shop for all the ingredients before we head north later this week. Sounds like the guy who harvests their hay has plowed the impassable road to their home and another friend will get the heat on so it’s comfy cozy when we arrive. My main accomplishment today was actually cooking a nice German pork dinner. Hope you had a quiet Sunday. Thanks for the recent visits, kind comments and stars.

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