
By Grammy

Oh What a Relief It Is

COVID lockdowns have certainly affected routine medical check ups to the detriment of many. Unless it’s a medical emergency, folks now have on line “telemedicine” appointments. And if you need a specialist, you may have to wait months for an appointment. So, over the last 12 months without having it checked regularly, my blood pressure levels have become increasingly out of control. I awoke very early this morning, feeling “clammy and prickly.” Hubby and I agreed it was time for a hospital emergency room visit because my BP was at dangerous levels. After several tests, they found no additional serious conditions other than hypertension. I have a new BP medication, will continue doubling the original one and am cleared to go to the farm. Oh, and I have to quit eating salty snacks - bummer. So, we shopped for yarn for a craft project my sister and I will try and picked up groceries for WV. Then we napped to make up for not getting much sleep last night. This is my only photo of the day. Tomorrow will certainly be a busy one getting everything ready to leave. Thanks for the visits. Get those annual “in person” physicals folks. No telling what’s gone on since last year.

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