Another Splendid Day

Beautiful sunny day with a high of 63 deg F and expected low of 49 deg F. Up, ate breakfast, morning prayers then off to watch Parker play basketball. My sister and BIL brought our mother. We were playing against our mother, Jamie and Kim’s alma mater. Kim, her hubby and Brookie came to watch. Parker and Jamie had quite a cheering section and some great family time for all. The first quarter was tight but our team modified their strategy a bit and we won by 10 points. Momma posed with Jamie and Parker; their season is almost over. Our mother won a bit on a lottery scratch off so she treated to lunch. It was her first Chipotle experience and she loved it. She and my father had their first taco while they lived with us a few years ago- such a sheltered life. Lol. We topped off our meal with ice cream. After taking Momma home, we drove to a state park looking for a nice river scene. This is actually the Chesapeake Bay and it looked very calm today with that bright blue sky. We grocery shopped and got lunch for Mancil; he and Kim dropped by to grab it. Recliner and kitty time. We only had 12 new COVID cases in the last 24 hours. Thanks for dropping by leaving stars and comments. Hope you had some happy, quality family and/or friend time today. “The single most important factor in our long-term happiness is the relationships we have with our family and close friends.” — Clayton M. Christensen

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