Downy Woodpecker

We broke down and refilled all the birdfeeders after thoroughly cleaning them. The birds were back almost immediately.  This little woodpecker was busily devouring suet just a few feet away from me.

I spent the day today just trying to keep on keeping on. I awoke feeling tired and sore and dizzy. Survived Pilates  despite pain radiating from my hip across my back and down through my knee. Talked John into walking through the field and throwing the ball for Spike.  It was up to Spike to keep track of where the ball went because neither had the energy to go looking for it.  Most of the small tasks taken on ended in frustration. The leaky faucet still leaked, the computer did incomprehensible things which resisted being fixed, the new credit card didn't arrive in the mail. The state of California is talking about handing over the distribution of vaccinations to Blue Shield, a very large health insurance company making it more 'fair'. Nobody seemed to able answer questions about how this was likely to happen or how it would affect those of us who already have appointments. 

I had a 'visual migraine' which lasted twenty minutes during which I laid on my back with my eyes closed and was left with a good old fashioned headache. I think the  gods are conspiring with my overactive brain to bring about too many things to worry about....

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