Here we go again – Day 53

A little bit of sunshine makes all the difference. This morning we got up early (well, about 7.30am – that's early for us) because the sun was streaming through the windows. Ann was desperate to go on a big long walk but she couldn't think of anywhere new to take me because it actually seems like we've walked around the whole of Edinburgh during lock down.

Anyway, after checking the tide tables, she decided we would go to Musselburgh so that I could have a play on the beach. We've not been to Musselburgh since November because Musselburgh is in East Lothian and we live within the Edinburgh City boundary and in Scotland the rules state that we have to stay in our own area. We've actually heard of people being fined for going from Edinburgh to North Berwick which is only 20 miles down the coast. But hey ho Ann decided to risk it because Musselburgh is actually right next to Edinburgh and walking on the beach there is a lot safer than going to Portobello Beach (approx a mile away) which would have been mobbed on a sunny day like this.

As you can see I had the whole beach to myself so I played for about an hour. It was fabulous. Oh and if anyone is thinking of reporting us for driving a mile out-with our boundary; now that we've announced it to the whole world don't bother........................ Ann did some 'essential' shopping first.

This afternoon Ann phoned a couple of friends to see if they wanted to come for a walk with us as the sun was still shining. They didn't! So off we went to Braidburn Valley Park by ourselves. It was busy in the park with lots of groups of people wandering about. At least we only broke the rules by driving one mile over the boundary and weren't in contact with anyone else.

All of a sudden, do you know what happened?............................ I went racing off in super speedy collie mode. Ann couldn't understand why?! She was calling & calling me but I kept on running. Do you want to know why?........................... I'd spotted my bestest friend in the world. Bertie the Beardie. I LOVE Bertie. Unfortunately Bertie was out for a stroll with his owners and another friend with a Labradoodle so he didn't want to play with me. Ann has promised me she will arrange a play-date for me with him next week. Yay!

And after being out in the sunny fresh air for a long time today I was hungry so I asked Ann for dinner at 5pm (I normally get my dinner at 6pm). She gave me a carrot as a starter but I was still hungry so I sat right in front of her and gazed up at her with my puppy dog eyes until eventually she said, 'OK Trixie, you can have your dinner now.'

Dinner gobbled up and I'm back in my bed having a snooze.

Happy Friday evening Blippers. xx


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