The Sap is Rising

This collage is of the first of my miniature daffodils to bloom, a viola(?)in Princes Street Gardens, and a shield beetle that found his way into the house.

Lockdown? What lockdown, you may well ask.
The sun was shining, the sap was rising and everyone was outdoors soaking up the spring weather. Bearing in mind that in Scotland we are only meant to be out exercising and not meeting people, it seemed that a lot of people had given up on the restrictions months ahead of Nicola’s route map.

I was also disobedient because David and Luca visited and sat in the sun on my patio while I held court, but never a foot other than mine crossed the threshold. Our excuse if needed was that they were checking an elderly relative.
A police car did drive slowly along on the Meadows path, slowly because of the volume of pedestrians but really there was little they could do.

With my sap rising too, I went out early for a 6 mile ride round the potholes of south Edinburgh-no point in overdoing things at this point given my sedentary life style this winter.

Later I went to collect a pair of trousers on a next day delivery option except that the next day was yesterday but when they only send a message at 4:50 pm yesterday saying they could be collected, it was too late. Sloppy marketing.

The spring cleaning, or more accurately the spring tidying, continues at pace. What a load of junk I harbour in case it comes in useful at some point. I put it down to the wartime upbringing of ‘waste not, want not’. I’ve ditched it all.

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