Old form of communication!!

I found this during the great photo audit!!! A telegram that we received at our wedding almost 50 years ago. It was addressed to me and the message said ....

Come home immediately...the Reverend Mother (pic in extras) 

The best man who had read it out and all but 2 people attending were ....confused....astonished....etc. Only my bridesmaid and me were roaring with laughter. It was a surprise, but we knew exactly who had sent it. 

The other picture in extras shows the culprit ......the nun on the left of the picture. Yes she does have a drink in her hand and her outfit is genuine, not fancy dress!! 

We had a small group of sisters in holy orders in nurse training at Worcester. This sister was on my ward for several weeks before my wedding and was hilarious. She wasn’t intentionally funny but managed to keep our ladies amused by her ways. She was lovely, so kind, but very forthright!!! 

I hadn’t planned to blip this telegram but my nurses league magazine arrived today and I went searching the league photo archive for ‘something’ and found the picture of Sister M at an event in the ‘70’s. A picture that I don’t remember seeing before. I had to include it to show that I haven’t made up this story.

I’ve now forgotten what I was searching for in the photo archive!!!! 

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