Cousins Catchup

Cloudy first thing, but soon cleared into a sunny day.  Breezy to windy and back to breezy.

Disaster struck last night, our oil tank had a leak, and lost almost a whole tank of fuel!  Plumber came this morning, hopefully easily fixed, but not until next week!  Morning walkies took me by Madeline's, to say hi.  Sis Julie and family came down from Unst for shopping, and I met up with them at mam's, with bro Jonny and Lena, and we went out for a walk.  Got some weeding done in the garden before tea.  Working in the shop this evening, then more walkies.  

It was so good to see family today, and a good walk with them.  It wasn't just good for me, but a well needed catchup for my nieces, to see their cousins.  By the looks of it, there was plenty to chat about along the way.  L-R - Elise, Lottie, Lena and Anna.  Taken near the Stackafields, Aithsvoe, Cunningsburgh.  

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