Doggy Doo

We cracked open Doggy Doo, which we had given the Youngest for her birthday. She's desperate for a real dog, but this is the closest she's going to get for now...that and both our neighbours having dogs. We had a lot of fun.

Had to go and buy the Eldest a new pair of trainers today, as yesterday when we were out walking, she said her feet were feeling "all squeezy" in her shoes. For once, we were lucky and there was a sale on, and even a pair that fit her super narrow feet. She isn't that thrilled with them, as she wanted the ones with the sparkles and cool colours, but she walked straight out of them as they were too wide.

Went for a walk this afternoon. It was blazing hot at 5pm when we went, but we had a great walk. Caught up with a few local friends on our way.

Now to take off my nail polish in preparation for work tomorrow.

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