
There must be something in the air today that has made me feel so inactive. Perhaps the last 12 months have finally taken their toll, but for the life of me I can’t summon the desire to go out into a grey cold day just for exercise. I don’t like coffee enough to buy a take away one and walk around holding it, even if it would warm my hands.
If there is just one thing I want more than anything it’s too sit in a café surrounded by people and the buzz of conversation. There is so much gossip going on in the news these days that it would be lovely to discuss it with other people.
With no outside venture I have had to find a blip in the house and this is the one that sprang into my camera. I had of course to dust it first less you get the wrong impression of my housewifery skills. The little boxes were given to me by David 77, the wooden fruit I bought in Pebbles from the little shop down one of the alleyways off the High Street, and the shaman belonged to his Lordship. I can’t remember where he bought it, maybe new Mexico in the USA , but it has been on the wall above his desk for years. I’m sure it would be terribly bad luck to move it now.

I gave the cheesecake I made on Wednesday to the family above me in exchange for the spanakopita which was delivered to my door last night. There is a pattern to this exchange of food- the American family give me healthy food and in exchange I reward them with the unhealthy stuff. I’m sure the children find it easier to eat cheesecake than spinach.

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