St Cuthbert’s

A sparkling sunshiny day but bitterly cold with a ‘feeling’ temperature of 2°.
It has been an unusually sociable day, in the open air I hasten to add, with baking delivered to Daughter#1 in Dundas Street and to David and Luca on the Dower House patio.

After lunch I had a long walk round the green spaces and lesser highways of south Edinburgh with a recently bereaved friend and Maisie the dog. Social distancing is impossible in this district full of students and young families but my friend has had covid and I have had my initial jab of Astra Zeneca so we worried not a jot when confronted with swarms of people out enjoying the cold sunshine.

I have walked a lot of miles today and am now going to reward myself with a glass of wine.

I took this blip of St Cuthbert’s church amongst the trees and gravestones as I walked back this morning from town.

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