
The yellow crocuses are the braggarts and show offs. They flower in profusion first. The purple ones are more restrained and elegant and stately but the white ones are classy and virginal.
The sun today encouraged the carpets of crocuses stretching from Bruntsfield to Newington to put on a splendid show.

From that last sentence you will note that this afternoon I managed a circuit of quieter streets before reaching the hurly burly of the Meadows but all that was after a gentle tootle on my Brompton before breakfast.

Unfolding and folding a Brompton bike can be done in secs, but not by me. JoppaStand is witness to how hopeless I am at it. My excuse is that since I was given it 15 months ago, I actually haven’t used it that much and I keep forgetting the little incidentals of where the pedals and front wheel should be in order to get the frame folded. However it is easy to mount in contrast to my ‘big’ bike which requires me to get my short legs over the cross bar.

Thus another lockdown weekend has been navigated and to that end I think there may be the reward of a preprandial glass of the house red before tea time.

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