
"It’s war." So began a 51 minute phone call with the Gruppenführer. Oh Lordy. He’s not happy. We’ll see them in court. They’re not to be trusted. They’re at it. Maybe we should have paid more attention to the agreement which he reached, of course. But I don’t think he wants to hear that. Luckily, it wasn’t on my watch. 
A later phone call with the aunt was bliss. As was planting out a couple of anemones. 
Then a film - Ben Sharrock’s film Limbo at the Glasgow Film Festival which we’d been eagerly awaiting. Too eagerly, I fear, for we both found it something of a disappointment. It’s hard to marry his deadpan, slightly surreal approach with a story which at times appears to want to have some emotional depth. It’s difficult to work out what sort of film it is. Tremendous opening though! And yep, that’s in the trailer.  

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