Welcomed Aboard
Following the call from yesterday, in the afternoon, I thought an essential exercise stroll over to the boatyard was in order. One of the current leader’s failings is his desire to sideline and belittle his predecessors rather than include them in any discussions. He would have them banished. So I sought out the one before the last one; the one who was actually responsible for the Great Leap Forward that is the joint harbour body. Much exchange of wisdom. And slightly unexpectedly, a possible exchange of moorings too, as he has one up the west coast he’ll not need this season. That could work.
Back for more Detroit: Become Human which we’re both getting into, muchly. Much later, another film, Walk the Line which I’d seen years ago. What a cracker of a film. How good is Joaquin Phoenix? How good is Reese Witherspoon! Good good good, that's how good.
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