Top of the Garden

Fine weather, so after much reading of papers, gardening was the order of the day. The laurel needed a good shearing, and got it, but now my garden sacks are fair bulging. 
Ukraine continues in its torment. Russian troops encroaching from the east and north east, and making a slow advance on Kyiv. Meanwhile hundreds of thousands flee over the border, mostly to Poland. And young men arming themselves to put up resistance. It doesn’t augur well for any lasting peace either negotiated or imposed by force of arms. And always the possibility that it could spread uncontrollably. A shelling of a nuclear station that could be catastrophic, or Putin upping it by attacking more widely. He has already described sanctions as "akin to a declaration of war”. Oh Lordy. Save us from “Great Men.”
Ah well, in our peaceful wee house we later sat and watched Archipelago, Joanna Hogg’s second film, from 2010. What a joy to watch: what people, what wry observations. We both loved it. And didn’t nod off once! 

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