
I spent this afternoon with sheep farming friends (thank you for putting up with my endless questions!), discussing plans for a photo shoot of work on their farm. Fascinating - I realised how little I know and what sheer unrelenting hard work farming is, despite all the technology. They do some forestry too and we watched the incredible skill of the driver of the vehicle that lifts logs from a trailer that has brought them down off the hill, spins them round and drops them neatly ready for the road trailer, giving them a final wee "dunt" to make sure they're evenly stacked.

The ewes are all heavy with their lambs; which next chapter in the year on the farm - lambing - starts in a few weeks. Here is one of the creatures this is all about, though not one of theirs, I hasten to add.

PS - is there an "Idiot's Guide to Sheep Farming"?

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