A Face Mask & Vintage Clothing, London

Just had an exhausting week work wise with virtually every other shot being "extremely urgent" as "we're going live online at midday". A mixture of new Brexit regulations and paperwork (it's all working so well with the EU, exports are only down 40% (!)) and really poor organisation (for a couple of weeks there was only one person available at work who could deal with goods inwards) meant a huge backlogue causing deadlines to be missed left right and centre. Unfortunately, one of our rather brilliant technicians, Tom, left today. He was a lovely, helpful, funny and kind person and he will be really missed.
It was such pleasurable relief to have a look at everyone's blips over the past few days even if I didn't have time to comment - it's kept me on the right side of sane. Now it's the weekend I can get down to that and am really looking forward to it.
The track I played in my studio today that I loved the most was "I'm On Fire" by Bruce Springsteen. Stone cold classic.
Today's shot was taken on a short walk through Soho to get some lunch (a so so chicken burger with baked (!) fries). I've always loved this neon sign and I liked the reflections as well. My fingers are in the mix  but I quite like the effect of "hiding" myself in the image! Extras are " Love Window" and "Rubbish At Pointing".

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