
By Grammy

Where’s The Party?

Decided to spend my day working on a craft project. Love these colorful hats that will never rest on anyone’s head. You will see my finished project in the future. It was sunny and moderate today. Hubby had been shopping before I saw the light of day. Then the poor guy had to waste time but was successful fishing my Miraculous medal out of the sink drain. I can be a klutz. He met my sister and brother-in-law at my daughter’s to do a site survey on the outdoor shower we plan to build/install for my son-in-law’s birthday. Then he worked to cut off last year’s liriope plants before new leaves break ground. We took down all bird feeders and emptied the bird baths in hopes of not contributing to the rapidly spreading conjunctivitis found in MD birds. The granddaughter in yesterday’s blip was awarded MVP at her travel soccer tournament game in VA today. She really shines as goalie. Sure hope we can go to a few tournaments. MD is relaxing some COVID restrictions. Our Mass seating was still limited to every other row and leaving room in the middle of the long pews. Attendance is definitely picking up. Always play your hardest. Who knows, you may be named MVP. Thanks for the visits, comments and stars.

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