The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Two Can Dan

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Our restrictions relaxed yesterday. We are now allowed to have 4 people from 2 households meeting outdoors.

Kitty Cat and I went for a walk and then went back to hers because Wolverine asked if Murphy could come and play in their garden for a little bit.

So whilst we were watching Wolverine and Murphy racing round, Kitty Cat, Marsh and I shared a cheeky bottle of wine. Day drinking is a funny thing. I think because it feels quite naughty that wine secretly doubles in strength. I went home at 5 pm feeling pleasantly merry after 2 glasses and being able to actually socialise in person. Without a device. For a whole hour!

I was very cheery when the Sainsbury’s delivery arrived! “Oh, don’t worry about reading through the substitutions. I’m sure they’ll all be perfect*”. He was probably slightly perplexed about someone being so chirpy about having groceries delivered. Thankfully I had the wherewithal not to confess that I’d had a couple of drinks!


*I’m hoping someone in the house (other than me) will eat the strawberry yogurt with white chocolate shortcake balls which look like a one way ticket to a sugar crash!

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