
By Grammy

From Soy Beans to McMansions

When I was a kid, most folks in my area were farmers or watermen. A Navy Air Base was built here in 1942 on a large, waterfront farm, 9 years before I was born (in 1951) and it was also becoming a large employer. Our 1950 population was 29,111. Our main farm crop was high grade cigar tobacco but thankfully, that is no longer the case. The Naval Air Systems headquarters, its employees and defense contractors moved here from Northern Virginia around 1997. Our population was around 81,000 at that time. Fast forward to this year and there are now 115,000+ people living in St. Mary’s. Our 1950 two-lane county main highway (we only have two) now has 10 lanes at intersections. Way too many of our pastoral farms have become crammed housing developments. The few remaining farms, many owned by Amish or Mennonites, grow vegetables, soy beans or field corn. The farm in the photo is in the beginning stage of becoming another development. My daughter is a teacher who works across the street from this farm. She says this development and another one going up nearby, will overfill her school which opened only a few years ago with loads of extra classroom space. We now have tons of hotel chains, restaurants, specialty shops and more access to the arts but fatal traffic accidents and the crime rate are out of sight. I, for one, miss our quiet, country life. As they say, be careful what you wish for. You might just get it. Thanks for stopping by.

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