Last Day of This Vacay

As they say, time flies…. We packed all our stuff early so we could enjoy this sunny day. I bird watched for awhile. We saw at least 14 varieties of song birds. I finally got a shot of a blue Jay. My sister took down her Christmas tree while the men entertained themselves. Sugar was not happy with my new seat but I could get a much better picture from that side of the room. After lunch, we visited Edna, taking her some sweet and cleaning treats. She told us many times how much they enjoyed the turkey dinner. Such a small act can mean all the difference in someone’s day. We went to visit the horse again but it was feeding time and she obviously wasn’t leaving the hay that she shares with the bull. As I was writing this note, we saw her come to the fence where we have been giving her carrots. We tried again and she gladly took her dessert. What a thrill, she even let me rub her head. My sister and I continued our walk, enjoying the warm sunshine and company. This visit was way too short so we tried to make the time together count. If it works out, we’ll be back soon. We still have leftovers so other than making slaw and broccoli, our jobs are done. Not reading novels during Lent is hard - but I sure have a lot of spare time. Even though I’m able to catch up on my spiritual reading, I miss my Kindle. Parker’s team won their first playoff game so we have more basketball on our schedule. Mancil and Brooklyn’s season is over. Sure hope NATO is working on a strong end of war plan for their meeting that’s coming up. Things just seem to be getting more bleak. Be safe and thanks again for all the personal support you are providing. Thanks for visiting. We have such limited service here and hubby and I are out of data so it is almost impossible to look at your journals. “I don’t think quantity time is as special as quality time with your family.” — Reba McEntire

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