24 hours on...

What a difference 24 hours makes... this is the first practice in her beautiful new music room. The room that alone makes the move the right thing to have done. It's so fabulous, for both of us. But especially for her.

She was amazing today. She had to carry on remote learning while I was doing a deep clean of the flat with a couple of friends. The teacher was being quite demanding of them today, I ended up sending a photo of how Katie was working to show him what we were dealing with. He backed off (said photo is an extra below!)

We finished the cleaning at 2.45. I took Katie to the new house and left her sorting out the friends. At 3, B and I dug up a selection of our favourite plants and relocated them to the new house. We did a few little jobs in the kitchen, like building breakfast bar stools. I gave B a tour of the house to show her the progress.

By 4.30 my old landlord had, unannounced, gone round to the other flat (which I was still tenant for...!) and declared it finished. I hadn't actualy done all my final jobs like moving the bikes, meter readings and things! Thankfully he gave me just enough time that I would be able to do that in the morning before he came to collect the keys. 

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