New boots

At half term, she arrived home from my sisters and announced she'd been wearing broken boots the whole time. She had failed to mention it to my sister, to my brother in laws annoyance as he's great at fixing shoes and things! Anyway, she discovered most of her other shoes at home no longer fitted, and went in the sea the day before we travelled in the remaining pair she liked. So there was a shoe crisis before she returned! She did have some, obviously I didn't send her with no shoes!  But she  grumbled about them a little.

Today, though, her lovely new (to her) glitter rainbow Dr Martens arrived. She was VERY excited.

Her jazz ensemble wasn't on today as a break after their concert performance on Monday, but she went and did some practice instead.

Her bassoon teacher called me today to chat and generally update on how she's doing, and he's super pleased with her progress. He's very supportive of Katie as a whole person, whilst sensibly balanced with making sure her bassoonery is considered at the top of the pile. But with important priorities not far behind it. He loves her enthusiasm, energy and her need for physical activity, so he's very supportive of her doing other things. All was good 

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