
By ayearinthelife

More, More, More

Email received from Morrisons saying they are ending their “More” points scheme in May, though any £5 vouchers earned up to that date will be accepted for a while longer.
You need 5,000 points for a voucher and I’m currently sitting on just over 3,000 points. I think I’m going to struggle to earn another 2,000 points in the next eight weeks though. Normally I’d be racking them up filling the tanks on our cars on a regular basis but, now I’m retired and travel is restricted, it takes a long time to empty a tank. Still, I topped my car up today and I’m sure Mrs C will not say no to a free tank of diesel! I suspect I might fall short of the target but I’ll see how close I am by the end of April - it might be a case of doing a mega shop in the first week of May!
Something else I’ve done “more” (see what I did there!) of this week is running. I’ve been struggling with a sprained Achilles tendon since mid December and it was severely curtailing the number of runs I could manage. My trainer advised me to keep it moving, so I’ve been doing a lot of walking, but running has been quite painful. However, I have managed two 5K outings this week and although the tendon is feeling sore, it’s nowhere near as bad as it was back in January. Fingers crossed this is the first sign that it is getting stronger.
And the third “more”? (trying to justify my choice of song for today’s title)
Well, we have made a bit more progress in the “shall we move house?” saga. We’ve fired the opening shot and submitted an offer 20% below the asking price. It’s a realistic offer, and reflects the work that is needed to bring the house up to scratch. We’ve not heard back yet but I suspect it will be declined. Although the property has been on the market for eight months - and is definitely overpriced - I don’t think the current owner is in any rush to sell. We do have a top price in mind, over which we will definitely not go, so we’ll have to see how negotiations proceed and whether or not our upper limit is anywhere near the vendor’s lower limit!

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