American Pie

Ullswater Pie, to be more accurate. Before we left Penrith yesterday, we couldn’t resist a visit to Cranston’s Food Hall to purchase some quality comestibles. I got this slice of pie for my tea tonight, a pork and apple pie as a snack and some chicken breasts in honey and mustard sauce for last nights tea. All absolutely delicious. Mrs C bought a scotch egg with caramelised onion for herself, and it looked so tempting that I got one myself for lunch today. It did not disappoint. Given what we spent, and how many calories we have consumed, it is probably not a bad thing that it’s a 50 mile round trip and therefore not the sort of place you can pop to on a regular basis. Especially not at current fuel prices!
We both had PT sessions this morning and I ran down to the gym along my usual 5K route. Turns out it was warmer than I anticipated so very hot and sweaty by the time I arrived at the gym.
Took it easy this afternoon as I’m gigging tonight. Time for an early tea now before loading the gear and heading off to Barrow. I suspect it’s going to be a late one.

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