Cairn Water

This is the view of the Cairn Water from the bridge halfway around my Stepford Round walk. It was lovely to stand there today in the sunshine and listen to the water and to the birds singing.

Local musician Wendy Stewart has written a beautiful piece about the Cairn Water for the harp. You can listen to it here.

This afternoon, I had my first Covid vaccination. It all went very quickly and smoothly. The nicest part was meeting friends outside who I hadn't seen for ages. They had come on their tandem and were told to wait 15 minutes before cycling home :-)

It's my Mum's 85th birthday today. I couldn't see her but have spoken to her on the phone and my brother sent me some lovely photos.

Today's Walk: Stepford Round 3.6 miles. Also walked from Dock park to the old hospital for my vaccination 1.68 miles.

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