Life In Wales

By KarenC

Chilling by the Strait

We were up quite early today and had a light breakfast as we had lunch booked at Dylan's at midday.  We FaceTimed Violet to wish her a happy birthday and then took the boys for a walk before going into Menai Bridge for a wander before lunch - there were people having a canoeing lesson on the Menai Strait and the force of the Swellies was so strong that it just pushed them backwards and they had to paddle really hard to get anywhere!  Just round the corner was this very relaxing scene.

Lunch was lovely and we had a table on the terrace overlooking the water - we watched paddle boarders battle with the current too, I'm not sure I'd like to attempt anything in that water!

We got back to the cottage at about 1.45pm and it was so warm and sheltered that we sat outside in the sun, it was lovely. Charles gave me a tour of the gardens of the main farmhouse - they have His and Hers gardens, both of which were very nice.  Then I left Alan to watch the F1 and I went back to Moelfre beach to meet Delyth.  I met her on a Sea Glass Facebook group and we met up to collect more seaglass.  Between us I think we combed most of the beach and both came away with a reasonable collection

Tonight we've packed up as much as we can as we check out in the morning.  We aim to leave about 8.30am so that Alan can be back home for work by 9.30am.  I'm also helping Yvonne with a couple of properties.

It's been a really lovely and relaxing weekend and somewhere we'll come back to.

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