Sammy Snuffin da Sea Air

A fine morning, although it was windy.  Heavy rain over lunch, and then cleared, with a sunny end to the day.  A calmer evening. 

Weekend off, and up early.  Headed out walkies after breakfast.  Got my cleaning chores done while it rained.  Headed to Burra, fetching frog spawn from Lorraine's pond.  Going to put them down to mam's tomorrow, as the frog population was devastated by ducks.  Working in the shop this evening, and a busy night.  Mam popped by the shop, and we headed out for a walk when I finished.  Feet up now.  Three more Coronavirus cases recorded today in Shetland.

Met friend Julie this afternoon too, and headed to the beach for a walk.  The rain had passed, but still was fairly cloudy.  Sammy wasn't fussed, and fairly enjoyed sniffing the fresh sea air.  Taken at Minn beach, Burra. 

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