Life and times of us

By Bumpster

It's down there somewhere

There's only one problem with both myself and Boyzee doing a Blip blog....some of the photos may end up looking familiar!

The children where quite simply horrible this morning and it was a relief to get out of the door and on to work. At least there was some sensible conversation when i got home and no one screaming at me "I hate you Mummy" ( the only thing I can work out I had done to deserve that particular comment was put the cornflakes in the bowl first, instead of the Cheerios!). Still they were beyond lovely when I picked them up and we had a brilliant hour of telling stories of our day at preschool - of which C's highlight was that little jack was not very nice as he had licked C's Buzz Lightyear in a car toy and that H had been on the green face all day and got a sticker which said "keep matches away from kids" - I couldn't agree more, especially mine!

So here the little tinkers are just prior to bedtime, they were posing for Boyzee's photo opportunity and I just love the way they both seem to be searching for something down the back of the sofa.

Night night peeps - have a peaceful one x

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