Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Eighty nine years later ...

A bunch of workmen sitting on a wall in our local town centre. I couldn’t help but contrast them with the famous picture from the nineteen thirties ...  nowadays no-one talks over lunch, it’s all mobiles.

I sat on a bench and was joined (a good two metres away) by a woman with one toddler and a baby in a pram. We talked about the perils of dropping mobile phones (which I did just as she sat down), and, this being England, we discussed the weather. She had a lovely smile and I felt pleased at the connection. Then in the grocers I talked to the man who weighed my bananas and we found out we were the same age. We then shared reminiscence of growing up in south London where we both came from. 

Daft but these little conversations made me happy.

Took my electric bike in to be serviced today. Looking forward to using it more this year. Then had some more sad news (following on from yesterday’s). Our neighbour opposite, a sweet man in his ‘eighties, died in hospital last night after being admitted with an infection. TSM cried at the news, he had lived in the same house for sixty years; when we first came here twenty five years ago he was already a widower in his sixties. 

Spring is bringing life all around us but death is ever present.

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