Home Sweet Home

We had a great journey home from Brighton yesterday, arrived at the Tunnel quicker than expected and got offered an earlier train! I love it when that happens, and the traffic was fine through France and Belgium so we arrived home about 8pm.

The weather is glorious today - sunshine and 16 degrees! Unfortunately we're both back in work but we can't complain, we've had a great week. Of course being back in work makes finding something to blip harder, but on my way back from walking Louis this morning I was looking at the wonderful blue sky and the sunshine on our house, so took a photo. I was actually quite pleased with the result - so here you have our house in the middle of the street, which reminds of the song by Madness :-)

I really enjoyed my walk to work - Spring is in the air, all the birds were singing, and everyone has a smile on their face. It makes you feel so much better doesn't it? Even if you do have to work!

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