The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog


Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

There was OUTRAGE in our house today. The reason? A single Weetabix left in the packet!

Apparently this is tantamount to abuse. “That means someone had ONE Weetabix. What psychopath even does that?” The Youngest Mini Princess asked.

As I don’t eat Weetabix, I was in the clear. If Murphy had gotten hold of the packet, there would be precisely nothing left*, which meant the culprit had to be...

Dramatic pause

...The Prince!

He had fancied himself a little Weetabix and
cornflakes breakfast combo one morning and thus created this rift in the fabric of reality.

“It’s like I don’t even know you,” EMP said sadly.

Who knew an odd number of Weetabix could be so controversial?!


*including the packet

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