Hitting the trails

Marathon training doesn't start until May time and so I asked a running geek friend of mine what to do in the meantime. "Fall in love with running again" was his response. Helpful, because I definitely do not love running right now. To sort myself out I headed off road this morning, hitting parts of the Severn Way and the Shropshire way. Utterly delightful. Honestly, I don't know why I force myself around the pavements when I find them so completely and soul-destroyingly dull. Today I ran about 7 miles, like last weekend, but didn't once count down the miles or have to distract myself with a podcast. The rest of the day was spent discussing ways to preserve good mental wellbeing (and not become an angry keyboard warrior) with robharris35 and delving into a new Scandi drama. 

All hail Scandinavia and your dark and disturbing TV. 

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